Event Phone: 905-844-9813
25 May 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The recertification course is a classroom-based learning experience where you will further explore your role in providing your course participants with a meaningful first aid learning experience. The focus will be on learning activities that reflect the Educational Philosophy of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs. The course follows a learner-centered approach and provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate competence in your role, to share ideas with fellow Instructors and to further broaden your collection of teaching strategies or activity ideas.
The completion criteria for this course is as follows:
- Prior to the start of the course, you must have a Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) or anInstructor Trainer (IT) sign off on your skills assessment. If it is not convenient for you to arrange a separate skills assessment, then you may complete this step on the morning of your scheduled course. The skills assessment will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ALL INSTRUCTORS TEACHING FIRST AID COURSES!
- Successfully complete your pre-course assignments.
- Successfully demonstrate selected first aid clinical skills.
- Adhere to the CRC Standards of Behaviour and the group charter which will be created together at the beginning of the course.
- Attend and participate in 100% of the course.
Pre-course assignments are as follows:
- A lesson plan for a 5-minute icebreaker or energizer.
- A lesson plan for a knowledge-based lesson.
- A lesson plan for a skill-based lesson.
Please bring two copies of each of these lesson plans. One is for an in-class activity while the second copy is for your course file. You are each responsible for selecting your own activity, topic and skill for your lesson plans. Be creative! Take a risk! Maybe create a plan using a teaching technique with which you aren’t entirely comfortable! You won’t need to teach these lessons during the course so you won’t need to bring lots of gear for teaching (unless you want to share your great idea!) You must also bring your skills assessment sheet that has been signed off by a TES or an IT if you have completed this step prior to the 8th.
If you have any questions about the recertification process, please contact us at 905-844-9813 or [email protected].
Venue: SOS First Aid and Safety Training Hamilton
Venue Phone: 905-844-9813
Venue Website: www.sosfirstaid.ca