Weekend Drowning in Hamilton is Reminder of Dangers of Ice Fishing

The Hamilton Spectator reported on the tragic death of a grandfather who drowned after he saved his grandson first. They fell through the ice during the Family Day weekend while fishing at a conservation area in Hamilton. This tragedy is a reminder that activities on ice can be very dangerous, especially when temperatures begjn to […]

Become a Red Cross First Aid Instructor!

Starting March 2017, SOS First Aid will offer Red Cross First Aid Instructor Training courses to interested individuals in Mississauga, Burlington and Oakville, Ontario. This is a 32 hour course where students learn how to teach core Red Cross First Aid and CPR courses. Becoming a first aid instructor can be a very rewarding and […]

3 Reasons We Love Brampton Fortinos for First Aid Courses

At a first glance, holding a first aid and CPR course at a Brampton supermarket seems like an odd location. But on the contrary, this supermarket is the perfect place to run our WSIB approved Red Cross training classes. SOS First Aid runs courses 3 to 4 times per month at the Fortinos Supermarket at […]

City of Hamilton facilities stocked with Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

All City of Hamilton properties will now be stocked with Epinephrine Auto-Injectors, commonly known as epi-pens, according to a November 15, 2016 report by CHCH. Epinephrine is an emergency medication used to treat anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. Having these auto-injectors readily available will save lives and give many people who […]

Free Flu Shots at Pharmacies in Ontario Starting Late October

Ontario started its yearly flu immunization program on October 25, 2016 and residents can now get a free shot at doctors’ offices, pharmacies and local public health units around the province. There are approximately 2,600 trained pharmacists in Ontario who can administer the vaccine to individuals 5 years of age and older. This makes immunization […]

Teens Need to Learn First Aid to Prevent Binge Drinking Deaths

I recently learned about the tragic loss of a young Ontario university student who lost his life due to binge drinking. He was at a party where 911 wasn’t called until several hours later. This situation deeply saddens me as his death – along with many others – could have been prevented if party-going teenagers […]

Round Robin First Aid for 100 Hamilton high school students

SOS First Aid was invited back again in 2016 to train 100 students from the Focus on Youth program at Sir John A. MacDonald High School in Hamilton, Ontario. This is our sixth year and every year our instructors love teaching this highly interactive basic first aid program to this group of keen students. It […]

Mississauga Stroke Centre and FAST save lives

Mississauga in Peel Region provides the best possible treatment for brain injury and stroke patients.  The city’s Trillium Hospital houses one of Ontario’s comprehensive stroke units providing FAST adult stroke care to the West of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).  Quick recognition of the signs of stroke and quick access to treatment at one of […]

Learn CPR and how to use an AED in just a view minutes

Halton Region has produced a series of short videos to teach people how to do effective CPR, how to use an AED and how to respond appropriately in an emergency. Have a look! It just takes a few minutes and they may help you save a life. http://www.halton.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=8310&pageId=75886&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=Twitter&hootPostID=7ec9b528c56604cec605eee613e22d5c